Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT) will boost a vehicle's cetane number by up to 7 points; with a higher cetane rating, you can increase your engine's ignition ability and decrease delay times by ensuring complete fuel combustion
- EDT improves fuel efficiency, boosts engine power, and enhances vehicle performance; a cleaner engine and reduced smoke lead to a smoother ride.
By reducing particulate matter in the filter, Diesel Extreme can reduce DPF regeneration cycles by as much as 50 percent; diminish buildup with ease by using Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Extreme
Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Extreme restores and improves throttle response by clearing your fuel system of both internal and external injector deposits and boosting its cetane rating; bring your vehicle back to life with Diesel Extreme
Diesel Extreme and EDT treatment fuel packs are fantastic for all diesel engines; these products are not designed for use with any non-diesel engine
Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT) will boost a vehicle's cetane number by up to 7 points; with a higher cetane rating, you can increase your engine's ignition ability and decrease delay times by ensuring complete fuel combustion
- EDT improves fuel efficiency, boosts engine power, and enhances vehicle performance; a cleaner engine and reduced smoke lead to a smoother ride.
By reducing particulate matter in the filter, Diesel Extreme can reduce DPF regeneration cycles by as much as 50 percent; diminish buildup with ease by using Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Extreme
Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Extreme restores and improves throttle response by clearing your fuel system of both internal and external injector deposits and boosting its cetane rating; bring your vehicle back to life with Diesel Extreme
Diesel Extreme and EDT treatment fuel packs are fantastic for all diesel engines; these products are not designed for use with any non-diesel engine